Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why some one commits Suicide Is That So Easy ?

From few days its really disturbing me by thinking about how a common person can commit suicide.
Take one corner of life in some age around 20-25 some one may talk about committing suicide just because he or she left for some reason. Person who is able to commit suicide at any stage because of some thing how can he or she able to lead the life in a difficult situation. This dont bother me too much because during early ages of our life or with our living style we may reach different way of thinking.

What is really eating me is farmers suicide cases.
In my early ages upto 20-22 years i used to work in the fields with my family members.
I never heard these type of cases those days. Everywhere these days we are getting information a farmer commited suicide because of some huge loan.

We need to think about what really behind this cause technically than thinking about some condolence way and finally forgetting it.
We being the creamy layer who are all came from the roots of the same stage forgotten our own responsibilities and duties. I personally can guess why a person being so much hard with mind whole year can just end his life in a minute . I personally went through the same stages when we were working in the fields. Where you dont get any reward for your complete half or full year effort.

Sometimes farmers end up with no profit or no outcome. If it continues like this then what is the future?

We need to do more on this than writing some blogs, giving some condolences etc.
I am thinking of many ways in my mind.
1. Farmers must be made aware of all the situation once they wish to grow any particular grains.
2. Farmers are not aware of the expenditure which is going to come for their idea, if we consider ourself eg. being salaried we will think and get ideas from others when we are going to take some home loan etc... Same way some awareness must be there for them how to manage their activity in the farm as well as family. If they end up with loss then what is the other source of income to them.
3. Whether farmers are having other sources of income or not, if they dont have then how they are going to face it ?

4. Whether they can consider some fore process stages in their farms than selling the raw output directly.
    For eg. If you take cotton they sell it for low price.. Just after cleaning process it gets 4 times the value they have sold out.

5. How they can approach the markets.

We cannot keep on saying govt should do something something than we doing nothing.
 I can assure anyone we can find many brilliant and good knowlegde farmers in our country or state, we need to recognise them and make them to guide others how they approach the activities.

My point of saying these few things is if we know the worst atleast we can think of something before that ...............

Hope Some work will go in this field to bring up our farmers to next level Mentally and Economically.
Otherwise one day will come we all need to beg for Food by keeping money in HANDS..!!

Life is Precious it has More Value Than What We Give.



  1. " I can assure anyone we can find many brilliant and good knowlegde farmers in our country or state, we need to recognise them and make them to guide others how they approach the activities."

    This idea is excellent, Taranath. Suicide is not a linear cause-effect phenomenon. You explained that point in a simple manner.

    Welcome to the world of blogging !!! Waiting to more and more constructive thoughts :-)

  2. It is good that you have expressed your thoughts. What matters is how this information will reach the farmers? Hope you are on the way to implement this. All the very best!

  3. thanks to taranath k m for social concern and commitment,
    i need to share some hints
    1. Insted of giving money(loan) to farmers, just give seeds, fertilizers, agriculture equipment, etc
    2. Insted of free current nominal fee is to be collected, and give alltime power by GOVT
    3. strenthining the market information to farmers by online digital sign boards in panchaythi level
    4. GOVT must holds price control(fixing)over farmers to cunsumer
    5. clean up the public administration in root level and corruption free(may not possible)
    6. Govt must stop free Ration facility for physically normal persons
    7. MGNRGEA must be extend to group agriculture works Half pay by land owner.
    8. constitute a team for morlize and Counseling the those farmers
    9.include all large scale commertial crops like coffi, tea oil seeds ETC under incom tax
    10. last most Important is Govt must have social commitment, futuristic budget to improve farmers and public whealth & health

    thanking you
